Here is why Organisations are Rapidly Shifting to Next Generation A.I. Based Communication Methodologies to Service their Customers

 As the wave of the internet took over this world decades ago, the final layer that actually comes down to the end touch point for an organisation is the customer which finally is the role and responsibility of the customer service vertical. We have entered an era where Technological advances are moving at break-neck speeds and consumers are looking at time saving features like video calling and messaging. A customer may want to get a demonstration about how his software works, or how a product is assembled at home or how to navigate through a banking dashboard via a visual aid. Understanding such nuances is where the power of Communication APIs come into play. The year 2020 has only helped Companies look at the future problems that could arise and be better prepared for similar scenarios to remain competitive and profitable by leveraging customer interests.

Voice calls are known to have become more prominent during the COVID-19 pandemic. While everyone was at home it has been the only mode of communication for the consumers. Though the shift towards the internet was highly evident, the quantum of calls during this period has risen immensely. Due to this, Companies have understood the importance of being available over voice channels. This is achieved via making use of Voice API for Business Communications. It is a well known fact that audio communication reduces the probability of misunderstandings from the perspective of the customer. A customer who is given a booklet of instructions may not follow it just as well as he would if instructed over rich media using Communication APIs.

Also Read : How COVID Exposed Companies and their Complacent Attitude Towards Conversational A.I.

Voice API for Business Communications helps achieve better relationships with your customers and trouble-free operations at a click of a button. Voice APIs help and enable us to get customer call transcripts and store this information on the cloud for analytical purposes. These can also be used over existing business apps and customise them without any hassle for added functionalities.

Below are main advantages of having Communication APIs within your systems:-


Call Features

    • Integrating in Voice chat apps, Access to an array of devices to increase customer touchpoints.

    • Group calls

    • Leveraging call lists

Better quality voice calls

Call Recording Service


Ability to Customise your business apps for added functionality



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